
first time school MUM...

My Arabella started school at the beginning of the year what an exciting and challenging milestone. Getting uniforms ready, lunches packed, readers, mail bag, newsletters, helping out in class room, the list goes on! Its all about the securing a good car park - priorities in life hehe.

It took me a week to actually cry, I never would have thought the solidarity would affect me I felt so lost not knowing what to do or where to start until 2 weeks into school found out I was pregnant! so that was the end of that until 2 weeks later I ended up in hospital with severe morning sickness a condition called hyperemsis and let me tell you its not pretty. During those horrible dark days in bed I felt like the worst mother ever! Not being able to take my child to school or pick up. Arabella just seems to go with the flow didn't really bother her at all.

Arabella got student of the week I was so proud of her getting up in front of whole school 500 + kids

She was finally assigned a buddy Arabella was smitten she explained to me the importance of her hair colour and how they played together at lunch- just adorable!

For a kid not knowing how to read before school her reading and writing ability is ace! I always wanted to be one of those kids that doesn't have to try that hard and be  quick learner. The other day whilst reading she was teaching me what a compound word is... thought wow what a clever cookie.

I took on the role of class rep very eager to be involved and support the class. Little did I know I was going to be sick! So happy to have the support from one of the mums Lydia who stepped up took on role whilst I was sick. I am very grateful for the network of friends I have here with no family support I couldn't have done it without you.

I always wondered why Mums would always say I can't wait until the holidays... Now I clearly understand - the countdown is on 3 and half days left!

Arabella is happy little preppie. xx

mummy's getting carried away with taking photos 

putting on our shoes

My photo I will treasure forever - first day of school!

Arabella first day in classroom 

first day of school - pick and yes we lost both hair ties !

standing up brave in front of the whole school 500 plus kids 

Arabella and her friends crazy hair and sock day!


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